Contact Support
Help available
We’ve compiled a list to make it easy for you to find the right local support.
Charities and community organisations have emergency relief services to help with:
meals, food parcels or food vouchers
transport vouchers
chemist vouchers
clothing or furniture
part-payment of utility bills
help with back-to-school costs​
24/7 Help Hotlines
Call Emergency 000
If you are in immediate danger​​
Lifeline - Call 13 11 14
Text 0477 13 11 14 or chat online.​ -
Beyond Blue Call 1300 22 4636
or chat online. -
13YARN - Call 13 92 76
Kids Helpline Call 1800 55 1800
specifically for children and young people aged 5 – 25years old. -
MensLine Australia Call 130078 99 78,
or chat online. -
Mental Health Emergency Response Line
Metro 1300 555 788
Regional 1800 676 822​
Suicide Call Back Service - Call 1300 659 467
Child Safety, FDV and Crisis
Crisis Care - Call 1800 199 008
[Helplines full list pdf download]​​
Psycho-Social Support
Crisis support
Lifeline – 13 11 14 (24 hours)
Online chat
13YARN – 13 92 76 (24 hours)
Crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Depression or anxiety
Beyond Blue – 1300 22 46 36 (24 hours)
Online chat
Sexual assault, domestic or family violence counselling
1800RESPECT – 1800 737 732 (24 hours)
Alcohol or other drug use
Family Drug Support Australia – 1300 368 186
National Gambling Helpline – 1800 858 858 (24 hours)
Aboriginal Health Services
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO)
Q Life - Call 1800 184 527
Support After Suicide in WA
StandBy Support After Suicide – 1300 727 247
A downloadable list of supports
Financial Assistance
Emergency Relief and Food Access Service – 1800 979 777
If you are facing financial hardship and struggling to put food on the table or keep up with bills.​
National Debt Helpline – 1800 007 007
Comprehensive and clear step-by-step guides to solve common debt problems.​​
Food Relief Services
Emergency Relief and Food Access Service – 1800 979 777
Find a food relief service near you:
Mental Health Self Help
Access these resources in your own time and in your own way. These are not a replacement for therapy or professional help. You may like to discuss them with a trusted friend or relative or health professional to help decide if they are right for you.​
This site provides ways to take control of your mental wellbeing and promotes positive mental health in WA.​​​
Youth mental health support providing the ability to connect with a clinician, join the community to talk with other young people and find resources. Also available is an online family member support program for parents and carers of young people who are concerned about their mental health.
For people with recurring, persistent or complex mental health issues and trauma, and for their families, friends and communities.
Smiling Mind – download from your app store
Personalise your approach to building a range of wellbeing skills and navigating challenges.​​
Support Directories
Local organisations, such as charities and community centres, may have free or low-cost events, and may be able to offer support with things like gifts or food. ​These two service directories are good places to look for the support you need:​
Australia wide directory of services that can assist with housing, food, financial hardship, family violence support, counselling and other support. Accessible on Telstra and Vodaphone networks even without credit or access to Wi-Fi
Community service directory managed by the Western Australian Council of Social Service. It contains real time search results of emergency relief services, with phone numbers, operating hours, and directions on the services available in your local area.